Transferring Data from SPAN to DataTurbine with SpanToDT
This document describes how to run SpanToDT, a program that transfers sensor data and metadata changes from SPAN to a DataTurbine server.
NOTE: The examples on this page using ant should be run from the kepler.modules/sensor-view/ directory.
ant run-spantodt
ant run-spantodt -Dargs="-v -flush 500"
SpanToDT accepts several command-line arguments:
ant run-spantodt -Dargs="-h" SpanToDT USAGE: -archive n size of archive (default 1000000) -detach n number of flushes per detach (default 60 [3600 seconds]) -dh host dataturbine host (default localhost) -dp port dataturbine port (default 3333) -fakesource generate fake sensor data instead of reading from SPAN. -flush n how often to flush (default 60 seconds) -h print this help. -metadata n how often to write sensor metadata (default 1 minutes) -sh host span host (default localhost) -v print verbose output.
SpanToDT is included in the sensor-view utility jar, which can be created by doing the following:
ant sensorview-utils-jar
If running SpanToDT on a different machine than SPAN, and the SPAN server is behind a firewall, you will be prompted for a password. In this case, use -DKEPLER_PWD_INPUT_METHOD=STDIN to prompted for the password from the command line.
java \ -cp sensorview-utils-1.0.jar \ -DKEPLER_PWD_INPUT_METHOD=STDIN util.SpanToDT -v -sh