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Have a question? Find a bug in the software? Please let us know. We also encourage users to look through our FAQ and documentation to see if a question has been previously posed and answered.


Current support resources include:

          • the Kepler User FAQ , which contains information about the project, getting started, and common usage questions and problems;
          • the Kepler User Documentation, which includes a getting started guide, an actor reference, and a complete user manual;
          • the Kepler User Mailing List, which is used to share questions and disseminate information among Kepler users and Kepler team members. You can also peruse archived messages from the list;
          • the Kepler bug base. If you come across a bug in the software, or have an idea for a new feature or enhancement, please report it to Kepler's Redmine bug base. To report a bug, you must first register yourself by requesting a Redmine account.

We plan to offer a paid support option in the future. If you are interested in this service, please check back later for details.


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picture of kepler supernova