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Kepler Features

  • Kepler is based on the Ptolemy II system, a mature platform supporting multiple models of computation suited to distinct types of analysis (processing sensor data, for example, or integrating differential equations).
  • Kepler is freely available under the BSD License.

  • Kepler provides a graphical user interface and a run­-time engine that can execute workflows either from within the graphical interface or from a command line.

  • Kepler workflows can be nested, allowing com­plex tasks to be composed from simpler components, and enabling workflow designers to build re-usable, modular sub-workflows that can be saved and used for many differ­ent applications.

  • Kepler workflows can leverage the compu­tational power of grid technologies (e.g., Globus, SRB, Web and Soaplab Services), as well as take advantage of Kepler’s native support for parallel processing.

  • Kepler workflows and custom­ized components can be saved, reused, and shared with colleagues using the Kepler archive format (KAR).

  • Kepler ships with a searchable library containing over 350 ready-to-use processing components ('actors') that can be easily customized, connected and then run from a desktop environment to perform an analysis, automate data management, and integrate applications efficiently. Highlights include:

      • R and Matlab actors to easily integrate powerful statistical analyses into Kepler workflows
      • A WebSer­vice actor for accessing and executing WSDL-defined Web services and returning execution results for further processing within a workflow
      • A ReadTable actor to access legacy data stored in Excel files
      • An ExternalExecution actor to execute  command line applications from within a workflow
  • Kepler's Component Repository provides a centralized server where components and workflows can be uploaded, downloaded, searched and shared with the community or designated users.

  • Using one of several actors specifically designed to ingest and output data, a wide variety of data sources can be accessed and used by workflows.

  • Currently, Ke­pler has support for data described by Ecological Meta­data Language (EML), data accessible using the DiGIR protocol, the OPeNDAP protocol, DataTurbineGridFTP, JDBC, SRB, and others.

  • Kepler provides direct access to the Earth­Grid, a distributed network providing scientists access to ecological, biodiversity, and environmental data and analytic resources.





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