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PreferencesTab Extension Point

The PreferencesTab extension point allows modules to provide users the ability to set module specific preferences from a common frame within Kepler.

PreferencesTab Interface


org.kepler.gui.PreferencesTab can be implemented from any subclass of java.awt.Component

Your extension must contain an inner class that extends org.kepler.gui.PreferencesTabFactory.

See org.kepler.gui.ComponentLibraryPreferencesTab for an example.


Within the configuration.xml file you can add your new extension to the PreferencesTab extension point within the "preferencesTabFactory" property as seen here


<property name="preferencesTabFactory" class="org.kepler.gui.PreferencesTabFactory">
	<property name="Components"
		class="org.kepler.gui.ComponentLibraryPreferencesTab$Factory" />
	<property name="Data"
		class="$Factory" />


To open the preferences frame to the appropriate PreferencesTab from a button, menu option, or any other action listening component you can use the org.kepler.gui.PreferencesAction class.  Construct this class and pass it the name of your tab.  When actionPerformed is called the preference frame will open up to the correct tab.


Example Image


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