Useful links to external resources used by the Framework Team.
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Getting Started with OSGi
- Some tutorials and a getting started guide for using the Equinox OSGi Framework.
Eclipse Performance Bloopers
- An interesting look at some of the performance problems that Eclipse has had in implementing the equinox OSGi framework.
OSGi Alliance Main Page
- The Dynamic Module System for Java
OSGi in Practice (Open Text Book)
- Uses the Apache Felix Framework for examples.
Eclipse NewsPortal
- Many useful and searchable newsgroups.
Steps to use Fragments to patch a plug-in
- This method will replace our current method of using an experimental directory for overriding Ptolemy code.
OSGi Survey Results
- An interesting survey of OSGi enterprise users.
Advice on Unit Testing in OSGi
- Advice on implementing unit testing in OSGi from Jeff McAffer, the Equinox team lead. By including tests inside your bundle you add at least one dependency to the test framework from your bundle. It is better to put your tests in a separate bundle to avoid the need for users to have to download the test framework bundles just so they can run your bundle.
Eclipse Runtime Options
- A Link to the runtime options for Equinox that is included in the Ganymede help documentation. These can be specified on the command line or in the config.ini file which is specified with the -configuration option.
Equinox Wiki
- The official main page for Equinox at