OSGi Adoption
Design documents developed during analysis of adopting OSGi as a Framework for Kepler.
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Steps for Kepler conversion to OSGi
- This document explains in more detail what we would need to do to convert Kepler to run using an OSGi framework. It is a living document and will change as we find out more about what we need to do. This is the current understanding of the team for what needs to be done.
OSGi Poster
- Poster presented by Aaron Schultz at the Ecoinformatics Conference on September 10, 2008 in Albuquerque, NM.
OSGi Presentation
- Presentation on OSGi given July 16, 2008 by Aaron Schultz. Adopting the OSGi framework is one proposed solution to meet Extension Framework requirements.
Kepler as Eclipse Plugins
- This is a presentation given by Aaron Schultz in June 2008 before he really new anything about OSGi.