Recent Changes
Report Designer GUI current implementation
- Report Designer GUI current implementation as of 08/05/2009.
Report Designer GUI current implementation
- This is a screen capture of the Report Designer GUI's current implementation as of August 5, 2009.
- provenance sql schema v8 as of 2 feb 2009
Proposed Report Designer GUI
- Possible implementation for report designer GUI.
Overview flowchart of Reporting Feature
- Chart that shows an overview of the Reporting feature.
spaschemav8 as of 11.06.08
WRM Tag3 Bottom Main Context
- WRM Tag3 Bottom Main Context
PPOD preview release workflow browser
- A screenshot of the workflow browser implemented by the PPOD project.
WRM Tags3 Bottom Tag Create
- WRM Tags3 Bottom Tag Create
WRM Tags3 Bottom Viewdrop
- WRM Tags3 Bottom Viewdrop
WRM Tag3 Bottom Date Popup
- WRM Tag3 Bottom Date Popup
WRM Tag3 Bottom Columns Context
- WRM Tag3 Bottom Columns Context
WRM Tag3 Bottom Columns Context
- WRM Tag3 Bottom Columns Context
Kepler/pPOD UI
- Example of the Kepler/pPOD UI
Kepler/pPOD UI
- Screenshot of the Kepler/pPOD ui
Kepler provenance browser
- Screenshot of the kepler provenance browser
Kepler/pPOD UI
- Screenshot of the Kepler/pPOD ui
Reporting Overview jpg
- Overview of the reporting feature and related systems.
Reporting Overview.gif
- Overview of Reporting and its' related systems.
Reporting Overview
- This is a diagram that outlines the proposed Kepler reporting feature and related systems.